Russia and “Peter’s Creation”

  • Vladimir P. Buldakov Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Russia, St. Petersburg, Peter I, reforms


The author shows the origins of contradictions in today's perception of the personality of Peter the Great. They are largely connected with the inconsistency of the very personality of the fi rst Russian emperor: a radical Westerner who implemented his ideas using Russian feudal methods. Peter's modernization successes seem undeniable today. In fact, they turned out to be transient. This, of course, is not consistent with the ineradicable social need for a “glorious past”. Nevertheless, modern Russia remains precisely Peter's Russia, with all its achievements and failures.


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Author Biography

Vladimir P. Buldakov, Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences

DSc in History, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

How to Cite
BuldakovV. P. (2022). Russia and “Peter’s Creation”. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 5(2), 45-61. Retrieved from
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