Petr Chaadaev as the Constituent Myth of Russian Philosophy

  • Janusz Dobeszewski University of Warsaw
Keywords: P. Chaadaev, constituent myth (aitiología), “Philosophical letters”, Westernism, Slavophilism


The concept of a constituent myth (aitiología) concerns the Genesis and sources of signifi cant events and phenomena in the history of culture, civilization and social life, which are still remembered or at least do not cease to attract the attention
of historians. But the term is also used to describe today’s situations, almost before our eyes, if they want to give importance and depth, pointing to their origins. In the history of Russian philosophy, only Chaadaev looks in this role as effectively and convincingly as possible. The article considers the parameters proving this position.


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Author Biography

Janusz Dobeszewski, University of Warsaw

PhD, Professor at the University of Warsaw

How to Cite
DobeszewskiJ. (2019). Petr Chaadaev as the Constituent Myth of Russian Philosophy. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 2(4), 90-103.
Petr Chaadaev and the XXI century