Some Reflections upon Russian Literary Prose and the Chaadayev/Pushkin/Custine/Mickiewicz Node

  • Bernard Marchadier INALCO
Keywords: P. Ya. Chaadaev, philosophy, politics, political science, A. de Custine, “Philosophical letters”, literary style


The article considers, fi rstly, the linguistic aspects of the letters of P. Ya. Chaadayev, and secondly, the political and philosophical motives of his writings. Chaadaev can be considered the first philosopher in Russia, but at the same time he
wrote his works in French. This fact is very important, and the article discusses the conditions under which this situation turned out to be possible. The author came to the conclusion that Chaadayev’s “Philosophical Letters” were written in French
because they are philosophical works, because they are letters and because they are addressed to a woman. Chaadaev’s style corresponds to the French literary samples of those days.


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Author Biography

Bernard Marchadier, INALCO

A member of the English-language educational program at the Sorbonne, programs in Russian at INALCO. Translator at the UN and UNESCO.

How to Cite
MarchadierB. (2019). Some Reflections upon Russian Literary Prose and the Chaadayev/Pushkin/Custine/Mickiewicz Node. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 2(4), 104-119.
Petr Chaadaev and the XXI century