The Promzona art project: the family story as a part of the history of the country

  • Pavel Otdelnov Moscow Union of Artists
Keywords: Soviet history, Alltagsgeschichte, Artistic research, Chemical industry history, Artist Pavel Otdelnov


The Promzona (Industrial park) project is based on the artist Pavel Otdelnov’s family story. Three generations of the artist’s ancestors laboured at chemical plants of Dzerzhinsk, the capital of Soviet chemical industry. While preparing the project, Otdelnov has explored the industrial area in its current state, as well as archival materials and newspapers of the time.

The project consists of 6 parts: Traces, Wall of Fame, Museum, Ruins, Sand and Cinema Hall. Otdelnov has also dug into the personal stories of people who once worked in chemical industry. Working in different media, including painting, photography, video, installation, text and ready-made, the artist introduces his viewers to the bygone era in its historical and personal dimension.


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Author Biography

Pavel Otdelnov, Moscow Union of Artists

A member of Moscow Union of artists. Alumnus of the Surikov Moscow State Academic Art Institute and the Institute of Contemporary Art.

How to Cite
OtdelnovP. (2019). The Promzona art project: the family story as a part of the history of the country. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 2(4), 214-241.
Cultural Memory