From the Unfathomable to Realization of Human Existence: S. Frank’s Marginalia in the L. Binswanger’s Book

  • Tatyana N. Rezvykh St.Tikhon’s Orthodox University
  • Gennadii E. Aliaiev National Technical University “Dnipro Polytechnic”
Keywords: Semyon Frank, Ludwig Binswanger, Martin Heidegger, Unfathomable, Daseinsanalysis, Human existence (Dasein), direct selfh ood (unmittelbares Selbstsein)


Сorrespondence between Russian philosopher Sеmyon Frank (1877–1950) and Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Ludwig Binswanger (1881–1966) and its particular refl ection in Frank’s marginalia on Binswanger’s book “Grundformen und Erkenntnis menschlichen Daseins” (“Basic Forms and the Realization of Human "Being-in-the-World"”, 1942) indicates a signifi cant infl uence of Frank’s philosophical ideas on Ludwig Binswanger
as a psychologist, despite the general diff erences and divergences in their ideas. Being one of the most notable contemporaries of the correspondents, Martin Heidegger also gets into focus of particular attention as he oft en becomes a subject of the Frank’s marginalia.


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Author Biographies

Tatyana N. Rezvykh, St.Tikhon’s Orthodox University

CSc (PhD) in Philosophy, St.Tikhon’s Orthodox University

Gennadii E. Aliaiev, National Technical University “Dnipro Polytechnic”

DSc in Philosophy, Professor at the National Technical University “Dnipro Polytechnic” Faculty of Philosophy and Pedagogy

How to Cite
RezvykhT. N., & AliaievG. E. (2020). From the Unfathomable to Realization of Human Existence: S. Frank’s Marginalia in the L. Binswanger’s Book. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 3(1), 106-120. Retrieved from