Lenin as a Mirror of Russian Revolution

  • Vladimir Buldakov IRH RAS
Keywords: Lenin, Leo Tolstoy, economic materialism, Marxism, revolution, utopias, Russian literature


Lenin did not accidentally call Leo Tolstoy “the mirror of the Russian revolution”. In his rejection of autocratic Russia, he was guided not only by Marxist theory, but also by the moral rejection of “stagnant” reality by the Russian literature. Hence the abundance of “livelihood” literary images contained even in Lenin’s theoretical works. In this connection, Lenin himself appears as a kind of mirror of not yet understood the Russian revolution.


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Author Biography

Vladimir Buldakov, IRH RAS

Doctor of history, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences

How to Cite
BuldakovV. (2020). Lenin as a Mirror of Russian Revolution. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 3(1), 121-137. Retrieved from https://phillet.hse.ru/article/view/10647
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