Herzen: Writer, Author and his Hero

  • György Zoltán Józsa Budapest University of Sciences named after Loránd Eötvös
Keywords: Herzen, the myth of Narcissus, narcissism, the author and the hero, self-knowledge, , inner man, the “superfluous man”, psychopoetics


The subject of the article is the complex phenomenon of Narcissism in Herzen’s oeuvre and personality. First of all, narcissism is considered as the comprehension of the way to self-knowledge, due to which the gradual surpassing of the autobiographical principle in Herzen’s fiction takes place. Special attention is paid to the Herzen’s interpretation of the elements of the myth about Narcissus. The analysis relies on the examination of many resources, including the texts written by the author, contemporary memoirs, and critical articles of historians of literature. The issue which is considered in the article becomes of great importance in the light of Bakhtin’s theory of “author and hero”.


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Author Biography

György Zoltán Józsa, Budapest University of Sciences named after Loránd Eötvös

Ph.D., Adjunct Professor at the Depart ment of Russian Language and Literature, Budapest University of Sciences named after Loránd Eötvös

How to Cite
JózsaG. Z. (2020). Herzen: Writer, Author and his Hero. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 3(1), 138-173. Retrieved from https://phillet.hse.ru/article/view/10648
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