Evgeny Anichkov: Prolegomena to the Interpretation

  • Vladimir Kantor National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: E. V. Anichkov, A. N. Veselovsky, comparative historical literature, narodnik movement, A. I. Herzen, N. G. Chernyshevsky


It is necessary to return into the Russian academic context the name of Evgeny Anichkov — theorist and historian of literature, apprentice and disciple of A. N. Veselovsky, philosopher of culture. In emigration Anichkov continued to publish articles and books, he particularly analyzed the place of A. I. Herzen and N. G. Chernyshevsky in the history of Russian social thought. Unlike most contemporaries, Anichkov sharply contrasted these thinkers, revealing a number of antagonistic traits and intentions in life and work of each of them.


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Author Biography

Vladimir Kantor, National Research University Higher School of Economics

DSc in Philosophy, Professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics


E. V. Anichkov, A. N. Veselovsky, comparative historical literature, narodnik
movement, A. I. Herzen, N. G. Chernyshevsky
How to Cite
KantorV. (2020). Evgeny Anichkov: Prolegomena to the Interpretation. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 3(1), 174-186. Retrieved from https://phillet.hse.ru/article/view/10650
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