“The Black Book” in the Light of a Transcript

  • Yuliya A. Volokhova Russian State University for the Humaities
Keywords: Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, The Black Book, V. S. Grossman, I. G. Ehrenburg, Literary Commission, Holocaust, Soviet Jews, censorship


The first complete publication of the shorthand notes of the Jewish Anti-fascist Committee Literary Commission meeting. The meeting took place on October 13, 1944, with the participation of I. G. Ehrenburg, V. S. Grossman, V. M. Inber, A. M. Efros, A. B. Derman, I. P. Traynin, A. G. Sutskever and others, and was focused on the preparation of the “Black Book”.
The introductory article describes the historical and political context of the participants of the Literary Commission under the chairmanship of I. G. Ehrenburg working on the “Black book”. The unique nature of the published document is revealed. The text of the transcript is accompanied by scholarly commentary.


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Author Biography

Yuliya A. Volokhova, Russian State University for the Humaities

Graduate student of the Educational and Scientific Center for the Study of Religions of the Russian State University for the Humanities, administrator of the educational project ‘Laboratory of Unnecessary Things’
of the Independent University of Moscow

How to Cite
VolokhovaY. A. (2020). “The Black Book” in the Light of a Transcript. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 3(2), 215-229. Retrieved from https://phillet.hse.ru/article/view/10969
Archival Materials. Unpublished Papers