The Main Thing at War Is to Survive

October 1944 — May 1945

  • Pavel Polian National Research University Higher School of Economics


The “unkempt history of the war” written down by an ordinary participant for himself is no less valuable than the texts of military orders personal letters or awards. In this sense the diaries of A. F. Kontarev are high time to be implemented to scientific circulation. They are all more valuable because they belong to an ordinary person not an intellectual. The Soviet and not quite literate "Russo" is sincere and accurate in conveying factual and psychological details. His text is the evidence of unthinkable, unlacquered way of life and true customs of the epoch.


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Author Biography

Pavel Polian, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Doctor of geographical sciences, Professor at the NRU HSE

How to Cite
PolianP. (2020). The Main Thing at War Is to Survive . Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 3(3), 159-164.
Archival Materials. Unpublished Papers