Book Publishing as an Original Project
(About books: M. A. Kolerov. From Marxism to Idealism and the Church (1897–1927): Research, materials, pointers, Moscow: Edition of the bookstore “Tsiolkovsky”, 2017; M. A. Kolerov. From the Inside: Letters from Berdyaev, Bulgakov, Novgorodtsev and Frank to Struve. Correspondence between Frank and Struve (1898–1905 / 1921-1925), Moscow: Edition of the bookstore "Tsiolkovsky", 2018; M. A. Kolerov. Archeology of Russian political idealism: 1904-1927. Essays and documents, Moscow: 2018. 352 p.)
A. Kolerov's task, based on the logic of the volumes' output in the series he conceived, is to create a complete library on Russian philosophy, to reconstruct the context of its origin, formation and existence and also to identify links with other scientific disciplines and national traditions of thought. The volumes following each other show the richness of the subject. It refutes the opinion of skeptics about the scarcity of Russian philosophy, its “secondary” and purely conditioned by Western experience. Due to these books, we can also understand the character of our national culture. In general, since the time of Peter the Great, it aimed at absorbing all that has been achieved by Western humanitarian knowledge.