International Scientifi c Conference “Slavism as a Problem in the Texts of Slavic and Russian Intellectuals of the XVII–XX Centuries”. Overview

  • Ivan Ilin National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: Slavism, historiosophy, messianism, Christian universalism, Eurasianism, Russian-Polish relations, Russian-Czech relations, national consciousness, intercultural communication


The participants of the international conference held by ILS REID NRU HSE in September 25–26, 2020, focused on the understanding of the topic of Slavism among individual thinkers (Dostoevsky, Tyutchev, Chizhevsky, Herzen, Bitsilli, Danilevsky, etc.), as well as on numerous intersections and interactions of Russian thought and other Slavic (in particular, Polish, Serbian and Czech) intellectual traditions. The emphasis was made on comprehending the theme of the unity of the Slavic peoples. The most important role in this process was played by Slavophilism, which had its particular manifestations in Russia, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Serbia. In the 19th century, the self-affirmation of Slavic Europe took place.


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Author Biography

Ivan Ilin, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Research Assistant at the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue NRU HSE

How to Cite
IlinI. (2020). International Scientifi c Conference “Slavism as a Problem in the Texts of Slavic and Russian Intellectuals of the XVII–XX Centuries”. Overview. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 3(4), 241-249.