A Picture of Creative and Spiritual Life of a Whole Generation

Review on Modest A. Kolerov “From Marxism to Idealism and the Church. Researches. Materials. Pointers”. Moscow: Publishing of the bookstore “Tsiolkovsky”, 2017. 368 p.

  • Artem Shikov National Research University Higher School of Economics




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Author Biography

Artem Shikov, National Research University Higher School of Economics

4th year graduate student at the School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities of the NRU HSE

How to Cite
ShikovA. (2020). A Picture of Creative and Spiritual Life of a Whole Generation. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 3(4), 254-257. https://doi.org/10.17323/2658-5413-2020-3-4-254-257