I will Return “With Everyone and for Everyone”

  • Andrey B. Dudarev The Nikolsky Church, Losino-Petrovsky, Moscow Region, Russia
Keywords: V. N. Chekrygin’s burial place, search for lost cemeteries and places of memory, archival search, Bogolyubsky pogost, prot. Mikhail Sharikov, V. L. Rabenek, memory of the dead, ethics


The article is devoted to the history of the discovery and restoration of the grave of the Russian avant-garde artist Vasily Nikolaevich Chekrygin (1892–1922). The author tells about the first findings that preceded the acquisition of the place of Chekrygin’s memory, introduces new archival data into scientific circulation. The story of the lost and found Bogolyubsky churchyard, the search for burial sites of famous residents and figures of Pushkino, Mikhail Sharikov, V. L. Rabenek, etc., demolished churches and memorial sites is told. Russian graves and the memory of the deceased are discussed in the article in the context of Russian ethical thought and Orthodox tradition. The role of memorial searches and preservation of places of memory for the formation of a person’s personality, for overcoming the gap between
word and deed is shown.


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Author Biography

Andrey B. Dudarev, The Nikolsky Church, Losino-Petrovsky, Moscow Region, Russia

Native resident of the city of Pushkino, Moscow region, a local historian, a priest. Since 2007, he has been actively involved in local history activities for the creation of public spaces that transform the face of the small motherland. He is also the recreator of the Dacha-Museum of V. V. Mayakovsky on Akulovaya Mountain in Pushkino. Author of many local history publications. Clergyman of the Nikolsky Church.

How to Cite
DudarevA. B. (2021). I will Return “With Everyone and for Everyone”. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 4(3), 196-224. Retrieved from https://phillet.hse.ru/article/view/13035