Preface to Translation of the Chapter from the Book by B. Schultze

  • Anna A. Doronina National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
Keywords: V. Ivanov, B. Schultze, Christ in Russian thought, Nietzscheanism


Russian translation of the chapter “Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov (1866–1949)” from the book by B. Schultze “Russian Thinkers: Their Position on Christ, the Church and the Papacy” for the fi first time offers the Russian-speaking reader the work of the German-Italian researcher of Russian religious and philosophical thought. Analyzing the theological and philosophical ideas of the thinker, the author of the book shows, on the one hand, the uniqueness of Ivanov's studies about Christ and the church, on the other hand, notes the ecumenical potential of these ideas. The translation of the chapter about Vyacheslav Ivanov is called, fi first of all, to introduce the view of the German theologian, as well as to remind about the relevance of Russian thought abroad.


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Author Biography

Anna A. Doronina, National Research University "Higher School of Economics"

Research assistant at the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue, lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities of the NRU HSE, Executive Secretary of the journal “Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue”.

How to Cite
DoroninaA. A. (2021). Preface to Translation of the Chapter from the Book by B. Schultze. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 4(4), 57-62.
Russia and Europe: Paradoxes of Kinship