The Other in the Existential Thought of F.M. Dostoevsky

  • Nickolay V. Ryabchinskiy National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
Keywords: Other, neighbor, Unity, F. M. Dostoevsky, M. Heidegger, hilosophical anthropology, existentialism


Despite extensive research aimed at examining the existential and religious aspects of F. M. Dostoevsky's work, the problem of the Other as a fundamental concept in this fi eld of research has not been given due attention. The purpose of the article is to fi ll this gap. We set a hypothesis that the concept of the Other determines Dostoevsky's existential thought, which is based on the analysis of Dostoevsky's writings, as well as their comparison with select places of the Holy Scripture and with the existential thought of the 20th century, particularly so the work of M. Heidegger. We argue that Dostoevsky understands the ontological basis of human nature as proceeding from the concept of Unity, which he understands as the original ontological rootedness of the subject in God through the co-existence (being-) with his neighbor. Here the neighbor is represented as the Other, whose co-presence is necessary to complete the subject's being. We show that Dostoevsky interprets the Fall not just as the falling of man from God, but also as alienation from his neighbor, who is now represented as the Other as a result of alienation. As a Christian thinker, Dostoevsky postulates the necessity for man to return to the original state of Unity. Man will realize this state only if the subject is ready to reaccept the Other as his neighbor. Thus, we try to prove that the problem of the Other is the key for understanding Dostoevsky's religious and existential views. Additionally the concept of the Other allows us to consider Dostoevsky's religious and existential views in the context of modern philo-sophical discourse, thereby opening up new prospects for the philosophical study of his works.


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Author Biography

Nickolay V. Ryabchinskiy, National Research University "Higher School of Economics"

Research Assistant at the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”.

How to Cite
Ryabchinskiy N. V. (2021). The Other in the Existential Thought of F.M. Dostoevsky. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 4(4), 128-142.