The First Experience of Youngers

  • Vladimir Kantor National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Elena L. Popova National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
  • Angelina D. Mazurova National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
  • Valeria E. Danielyan National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
  • Elisaveta Yu. Filipenkova National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
  • Alina V. Fedorova National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
  • Alexandra A. Osykina National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
  • Matvey A. Vladimirov National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
  • Margarita S. Dimova National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
  • Vyacheslav A. Vorob'ov National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
  • Maria K. Vorob'ova National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
  • Olga F. Levina National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
Keywords: Silver Age, , Russian mentality, intelligentsia, Russian Church


A selection of the best essays written on topics chosen by fourth-year students of the Bachelor’s degree program “Philosophy” under the guidance of prof. V. K. Kantor. Young people express their attitude to the events and works of a century ago and evaluate them. In the center of their attention are such thinkers as V. V. Rozanov, P. N. Milyukov, D. S. Merezhkovsky, N. A. Berdyaev, V. I. Venin and others.


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How to Cite
KantorV., PopovaE. L., MazurovaA. D., DanielyanV. E., FilipenkovaE. Y., FedorovaA. V., OsykinaA. A., VladimirovM. A., DimovaM. S., Vorob’ovV. A., Vorob’ovaM. K., & LevinaO. F. (2021). The First Experience of Youngers. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 4(4), 202-231.