H. J. Pos and C. J. Engbertsen: To the History of Dutch Contacts of S. L. Frank
Based on archival materials, the article provides a historical and philosophical reconstruction of the friendship and creative ties of Semyon Ludwigovich Frank (1877–1950) with representatives of the Dutch intellectual community — Professor of the University of Amsterdam Hendrik Josephus Pos (1898–1955) and Amsterdam broker Caesar Julius Engbertsen (1897–1970). The main biographical milestones in the life of Pose and Engbertsen have been outlined, as well as the circumstances of the acquaintance of Dutch intellectuals with the Russian thinker are restored. Moreover, their role in Frank’s philosophical biography of the 1930s–1940s is determined. (including special attention is paid to the epistolary communication of Frank, Pose and Engbertsen during the English emigration of the Russian philosopher). The appendix contains part of the surviving correspondence between Frank and Pos, as well as letters from Engbertsen and his wife, Maria Elisabeth Adeleida Engbertsen (1899–?), addressed to SemyonLudwigovich and Tatiana Sergeevna Frank. Published materials are stored in the Bakhmetev Archives (New York, USA) and the Library of the University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, the Netherlands).