Proxy-nationalism of Russian Socialism and the Ukrainian Question in the USSR

  • Modest A. Kolerov The REGNUM News Agency
Keywords: Ukrainian question, socialist movement in Russia, Western models of discussion of the national question, principles of Soviet nation-building


Russian socialism, which by the beginning of the 20th century had almost completely switched to the Marxist language of describing social reality, regardless of its political options, socialism, took along with the language of description the basic schemes of the proposed solution to the national question. The model for the revolutionary transformation of the legacy of the multinational Russian Empire was the authentic part of the German (German and Austrian), Marxist social democracy that was leading at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries — the Social Democracy of Austria-Hungary. It is logical that the experience of multinational, since the second half of the 19th century — dualistic, duocentric Austria-Hungary, has become a model for the study and practice of a model solution of the national question. In this context, the role of the second center of the future revolutionary and Soviet Russia was consciously assigned to Ukraine


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Author Biography

Modest A. Kolerov, The REGNUM News Agency

PhD in History, Head of the Department for the Study and Publication of Documents of the State Archive of the Russian Federation, Editor-in-Chief of the REGNUM News Agency.

How to Cite
KolerovM. A. (2022). Proxy-nationalism of Russian Socialism and the Ukrainian Question in the USSR. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 5(3), 104-140. Retrieved from