Artists of Belarus at the Late of 19th — Early 20th Centuries: Between Europeanness and Identity

  • Olga D. Bazhenova Belarusian State University
Keywords: culture, artists, Belarus, borderland, Belynitsky-Birulya, Ruschits, Chagall, art schools, Europeanness, identity


The issue of the formation of identities is considered on the example of the culture of Belarus and the creative destinies of representatives of this borderland, where in the late 19th — first quarter of the 20th century the formation of regional art schools and the formation of individual states of Belarus, Poland, Lithuania began. We will talk about the artists Vitold Kaetanovich Belynitsky-Birulya, Ferdinand Ruschitsa and Mark Zakharovich Chagall.


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Author Biography

Olga D. Bazhenova, Belarusian State University

DSc in Art History, Docent, Professor of the Department of Arts and Environmental Design at the Belarusian State University.

How to Cite
BazhenovaO. D. (2022). Artists of Belarus at the Late of 19th — Early 20th Centuries: Between Europeanness and Identity. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 5(3), 219–226. Retrieved from