‘I would like to bring repentance': The Confession of Alexander Blok

  • Ludmila F. Lutsevich University of Warsaw
Keywords: Alexander Blok, confession, pagan, autobiographical narrator, repentance, sin, St. Petersburg 1918, Great Lent, gymnasium, Dmitry, pink girl


The article attempts to consider the “Confession of a Pagan” by Alexander Blok as a prose text, where the “poetics” of the autobiographical narrator's life behavior and the development of the literary plot are equally manifested. Attention is drawn to the nature of the poet's creative confessional with its maximum sincerity, purity and completeness in the expression of feelings. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the “Confession of a pagan” includes the main components of the confessional text: there is repentance for an old sin; there is metanoia — a change of mood (from adoration of the boy to his contempt), there is “correction”, reconciliation with oneself, return to the true path (the choice of a pink girl). So, basically, the text as a confession took place, and it is actually completed.


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Author Biography

Ludmila F. Lutsevich, University of Warsaw

Ludmila F. Lutsevich — DSc in Philology, Professor of the Department of Literature and Intercultural Studies at the Institute of Special and Intercultural Communication, Faculty of Applied Linguistics of the Warsaw University.

How to Cite
LutsevichL. F. (2023). ‘I would like to bring repentance’: The Confession of Alexander Blok. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 6(1), 203-229. Retrieved from https://phillet.hse.ru/article/view/16897