Northern Identity of the Germany as a Scientific Problem

  • Alyona A. Filonenko National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
Keywords: Nordicness, criteria of Nordicness, Nordicism, national identity, national folklore, ethnohoronym


The article examines the problem of Nordic identity of the Germans, proves its relevance and pertinence. The awareness of belonging to the Nordic nationalities can become a solution to the problem of the national identity crisis, which developed after the defeat of Germany in World War II as a result of the division of the country into zones of occupation and the formation of complexes and taboos caused by so-called “German guilt”. At the moment, Germany is currently experiencing a rupture between West and East and on mental maps belongs to Central Europe, while Nordicism, which is considered as a feature of exclusively Scandinavian countries, is a key concept for the final cultural and moral reunification of the German people, since the roots of their identity lie precisely in the North. Ancient literary sources and etymological materials — evidence of the origin of the self-designation of the German nation (ethnohoronym) — are used to study the Nordicness of the Germans. The article considers various interpretations of the Proto-Indo-European root as part of the original self-designation of the nation, from which the modern word “Deutsche” is derived. Among the criteria of Nordicness are: the feeling of the sea as a native space, “squadness”, a number of values and personal orientations inherent to the northern peoples, which are especially emphasized in the national folklore. Furthermore, plot coincidences are found in the ancient literary sources of the Scandinavian countries and Germany. The criteria of Nordicness also include the advanced literacy in Germany. The article analyzes some runic inscriptions from the point of view of evidence of writing in the north of the country.


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Author Biography

Alyona A. Filonenko, National Research University "Higher School of Economics"

Student of the Master’s degree program “Germanica: History and Modernity” of the Faculty of Humanities, National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (HSE University).

How to Cite
FilonenkoA. A. (2024). Northern Identity of the Germany as a Scientific Problem. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 7(1), 162-175. Retrieved from