'Translation Difficulties': The problem of Authorship of Translated Texts

  • Sergey S. Malkov Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: interdisciplinary approach, case of the RSCI, translation, interpretation, author of the source text, author of the translated text, communication, dialogue of cultures, rhizome


The article takes an interdisciplinary approach to analyzing the problem of authorship of translated texts using the “case study” method. The so-called incident of the Russian Science Citation Index (“RSCI incident”), which happened eight years ago, is described. The conceptual argumentation of both disputing parties is constructed in favor of each of them making their own decision. As a result, it turns out that the parties interpret the concepts of “author of the text” and, accordingly, “author of the translated text” in different ways. At the same time, one interpretation is based on a meaningful (semantic) approach, and the other on a formal (syntactic) one. Both of these approaches are considered ineffective in an attempt to resolve a controversial incident. To get out of the current situation, the article formulates a third — communicative — approach, which justifies such a way out of the current situation, which looks more objective and therefore could suit each of the parties.


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Author Biography

Sergey S. Malkov, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Junior Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences.

How to Cite
MalkovS. S. (2024). ’Translation Difficulties’: The problem of Authorship of Translated Texts. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 7(1), 209-223. Retrieved from https://phillet.hse.ru/article/view/20919
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