Antinomy of Scientific Approach and Humanness in A. L. Chizhevsky’s Works

  • Ekaterina E. Zvonova I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
Keywords: A. L. Chizhevsky, antinomy, scientific approach, humanness, holism, determinism, subject, object, national mentality


The article contains an analysis of views relating to the antinomy of scientific approach and humanness reflected in the philosophical and scientific studies of A. L. Chizhevsky. The conjugation of the scientist’s deterministic and holistic views presented on pages of his philosophical work “The Main Beginning of the Universe” is revealed (a single law determines the existence of more particular patterns and “glues” different kingdoms of nature into a certain integrity). The correlation of determinism and holism with the antinomy of scientific approach and humanness is shown. Determinism “objectifies” human, turning him into a “good” object of scientific research, but depriving him of specifi cally human properties. Being associated with determinism, holism “works for scientific approach against humanness”. But the inextricable unity of micro- and macrocosm makes it difficult to realize subject-object relations understood in the way of classical scientific rationality and pushes the idea that subjectivity can serve the knowledge of objective reality. Thus, holism also “works for humanness against scientifi c approach”. The basis for softening the antinomy between scientific approach and humanness is given by the tendency of Chizhevsky to accept active evolutionary views. At the same time “Electronic Theory and Genesis of Forms”, another philosophical work of the scientist states a rigidly deterministic, non-dialectic model of evolution and does not contain ideas that allow mitigating this antinomy. In Chizhevsky’s scientific works problems associated with the contradiction between scientific approach and humanness also refer to determinism and holism presented through specific laws. Determinism, objectivity of a person by external factors and the associated antinomy of scientific approach and humanness are very clearly illustrated by the scientist’s research on the influence of solar activity on terrestrial (especially historical) processes, by his concept of heliotaraxy. However, Chizhevsky makes an attempt to “save” free will, but this attempt denies the rigidly deterministic approach, which he himself believes to be the only scientific one. The antinomy of scientific approach and humanness is softened again when correlated with views that are close to the concept of active evolution. The specific features of the Russian mentality, domestic culture, their synthetic character which is also manifested in the epistemological sphere are indicated as a factor that could determine the problematic character of the scientist’s studied views. Classical ideas about the subject and object of scientific knowledge which were a guideline for A. L. Chizhevsky contradict the corresponding worldview.



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Author Biography

Ekaterina E. Zvonova, I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

PhD in Philosophy, Associate professor at the Institute of Social Sciences, I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.

How to Cite
ZvonovaE. E. (2024). Antinomy of Scientific Approach and Humanness in A. L. Chizhevsky’s Works. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 7(2), 221-233. Retrieved from