Русско-европейский диалог

современный дискурс

  • Анна Александровна Доронина Национальный исследовательский университет "Высшая школа экономики""
Keywords: Russian and European dialogue, culture, Russian Europeanism, Russian philosophy, European culture


The article is devoted to the review of the latest books by the staff of the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue: Professor of HSE V. K. Kantor, Professor of HSE O. A. Zhukova and lecturer of HSE E. V. Besschetnova, published in 2017. The books are united by the common desire of the authors to show the interaction of Russian and European cultures in the field of philosophy and art. However, each work has its own theme, as well as the original mode of forming research tasks. The book by V.K. Kantor “Understand by Portraying or Sententia sensa: Philosophy in a Literary Text” reveals the essential connection between literature and philosophy. n the book “The Philosophy of Russian Culture: Metaphysical Perspective of Man and History” O. A. Zhukova demonstrates the integrity of the cultural, religious and socio-political history of Russia and actualizes the problem of continuity of cultural and historical experience for the modern philosophy of culture. In the book by E.V. Besschetnova “Vladimir Soloviev and Konstantin Leontiev about Being of Russia: in Anticipation of a Catastrophe” the philosophical dialogue of Vl. S. Solovyov and K. N. Leontiev on the present and future of Russia and its culture is reconstructed.


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Author Biography

Анна Александровна Доронина, Национальный исследовательский университет "Высшая школа экономики""

аспирантка школы философии НИУ ВШЭ, стажер-исследователь в Международной лаборатории исследований русско-европейского интеллектуального диалога (НИУ ВШЭ)

How to Cite
ДоронинаА. А. (2018). Русско-европейский диалог. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 1(1), 211-223. Retrieved from
Academic Life. Reviews