Letter from Italy

"Die Grezensituation" of russian thought

  • Владимир Корнельевич Зелинский
Keywords: russian revolution of 1917, religious thinkers of the beginning of the XX century, analysis of the downfall of the old regime in Russia


The paper analyzes the collective work «De Profundis» of some outstanding Russian thinkers written a century ago who searched to understand the Revolution of 1917. Each of them perceived it as a catastrophe, provoked first of all by the utopist spirit of the Russian intelligentsia. The title of the article indicates not only the temporal frontier between the old Russia and that newborn country of unlimited violence after the Revolution but also the new situation (so-called die Grenzsituation) lived from inside in the light of the philosophical and spiritual experience of crisis and hope.


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Author Biography

Владимир Корнельевич Зелинский

Православный священник, писатель, богослов, журналист, переводчик, доктор богословия (Италия)

How to Cite
ЗелинскийВ. К. (2018). Letter from Italy. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 1(1), 165-173. Retrieved from https://phillet.hse.ru/article/view/8378
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