Europe and Russia: Paradoxes of Kinship

  • Sławomir Mazurek Institute of philosophy and sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Keywords: intellectual dialogue of cultures, Empire, post-Empire, historical destiny, totalitarianism


The article examines the current state of relations between Russia and Europe and, accordingly, between the cultures of both regions. Th e content of the concept of “cultural dialogue” is clarifi ed (the works of one culture are understood, perceived and processed by another, even if the process goes only in one direction, that is, if one of the cultures is only a source of borrowing, and the other is only a consumer). Th ree models of political relations between Russia/USSR and the West are named: partial enmity (XIX century), fundamental enmity (Cold war period) and occasional enmity (aft er the end of the Cold war). Th e author consistently holds the thesis that the experience of totalitarianism for Europe and Russia is common and therefore cannot be a factor preventing the establishment of democratic relations between them.


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Author Biography

Sławomir Mazurek, Institute of philosophy and sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Head of the Department Of history of philosophy of Modern Times and modernity Of the Institute of philosophy and sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences; editor-in-chief of “The Interlocutor” magazine.

How to Cite
MazurekS. (2019). Europe and Russia: Paradoxes of Kinship. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 2(1), 171-181. Retrieved from
Россия и Европа: диалог