Guidelines for Authors

All materials sent to the journal should be prepared in accordance with the rules adopted in our journal:

  • Manuscripts should be sent to the editorial office email:
  • Manuscripts must be sent in doc (docx) format. The volume of the article should not exceed 80,000 characters, including spaces. The volume of the material intended for the section "Academic Life. Reviews" is supposed to be no more than 20,000 characters, including spaces. The rules how to correctly prepare the article for submission can be found on the journal's website:;
  • Illustrations, being numbered and signed, should be sent in jpg (jpeg) format. Their description is also provided on a separate page in doc (docx) format with all illustrations being numbered and signed. The places in the manuscript, where illustrations are supposed to be inserted, should be marked;
  • All borrowed information used in the submitted material must be provided with in-text bibliographic references and a list of references. The rules for the design of the list of references can be found on the journal's website:;
  • The submitted paper must strictly comply with the ethical standards accepted in the academic community, as well as the current laws of the Russian Federation. The main ethical standards can be found on the journal's website:

All materials submitted to the editorial office undergo the registration procedure, during which they are checked for their compliance with the subject of the journal, as well as the accepted standards of correct design, and then sent for verification in the Antiplagiat system. The editorial board follows the standards adopted in the HSE journals: the material submitted for publication should not contain verbatim citations of the works of other people in the volume exceeding 10% of the total volume of the submitted material and contain no more than 10% of self-citations.

When it is impossible to get the indicated percentage of originality for some objective reasons, the chief editor of the journal provides the editor-in-chief with the argumentation for registration of the material. Papers successfully passed the registration procedure are assigned the registered status. Materials unable to successfully complete this procedure are sent back for revision or rejected.

Registered materials are sent for reviewing. Reviewing is carried out on the basis of the database of scholars whose works are relevant to the journal’s scope. The rules of the reviewing procedure can be found on the journal's website:___ .

Reviews are of a recommendatory nature. The final decision on the article is made by the editor-in-chief and the editorial board of the journal. The author is not obliged to take into account all the comments and suggestions outlined in the review. The grounds for article rejection after peer-reviewing can be the following: two negative reviews, the author's failure to respond to the reviews within one month after receiving them, and the decision of the editor-in-chief or the editorial board. Upon successful completion of the reviewing procedure, the article is assigned the status of the material accepted for publication.

The publication of papers is carried out as they are received by the editorial board and depends on the subject chosen by the author and the degree of completeness of the editorial portfolio. The decision on the issue in which the material will be published is solely the responsibility of the editorial board of the journal and does not depend on the requests and wishes of the author.

Before publishing the material, the author signs an agreement and sends it to the editorial office email.

Template of the publishing agreement (offer):
Предложение заключить ИЛД (1 иностр. гр.) ver. 07.04.2016