Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

In its editorial and publishing activities, the journal “Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue” is based on the experience of reputable international journals and publishers, strictly guided by a set of ethical principles adopted and shared by both domestic and international community of scientists. The principles listed below are consistent with the policies and standards of the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors:

We are guided by the principle of unselfish duty to science in the dissemination of humanitarian knowledge, and therefore do not charge authors for publishing their articles on the pages of our journal and do not pay a fee. In addition, all issues of the journal are distributed to readers free of charge by posting them in open access on our website.

Our editorial policy is based on the principle of equality. We believe that the evaluation of the scientific result presented in the article should be based entirely on non-personal criteria, without any prejudice against the author's ethnic or racial affiliation, gender, age, sexual orientation, academic reputation, place of work, affiliation, political preferences, religious beliefs, etc. Therefore, all papers published in our journal are subject to double-blind peer-reviewing, which is carried out on the database of scholars whose works are relevant to the journal's scope.

We are guided by the principle of objectivity of academic research and require that authors provide accurate and complete data about the materials that are used in the process of preparing and writing the paper. We also require to provide references to information sources — tables, diagrams, quotes, photos taken from materials published in the press or stored in archives. It is necessary so that the data can be checked by other researchers whether it is adequate and compliant with the conclusions made by the author of the article. The submission of deliberately false data is considered a violation of the Code of Ethics and is an unacceptable act.

We are also guided by the principle of criticism, according to which the author is obliged to critically approach the work of other researchers and subject their conclusions and ideas to a comprehensive analysis and verification, especially if they are used to justify and confirm the author's own views. Meanwhile, criticism should be strictly academic and reasonable, and not affect personal characteristics of the scholar. In addition, the author is supposed to be critical both of the results of other researchers and of his/her own. Possible sources of errors, doubts and gaps in research should be openly exposed.

We are consistently guided by the principle of originality. Authors must ensure that they have written a completely original work, and if they have used the work and/or words of other authors, that fact should be appropriately marked with a reference or indicated in the text. Plagiarism has many forms, from passing off someone else's work as one’s own to copying or paraphrasing essential parts of someone else's work (without reference to the source), as well as to claiming rights to the results obtained by others. We believe that plagiarism in all its forms is an unacceptable act.

This also applies to self-plagiarism: verbatim copying of one's own works and their paraphrasing is considered unacceptable and can only be used as a basis for new conclusions. In this case, the amount of self-cited material should not exceed 10% of the total volume of the article. The author is not supposed to submit an already published article to our journal. In addition, it is not allowed to submit the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time. Finding an author guilty of plagiarism can have a negative impact on his/her academic reputation.

We are also guided by the principle of confidentiality. Any work accepted by the editors is considered a confidential document. All information, including personal data, is private and must not be shown or discussed with others, except for people authorized by the editor-in-chief. Unpublished materials contained in the submitted manuscript may not be used in research of the editor-in-chief, members of the editorial board, reviewers or other employees involved in working on the submitted material, without the written consent of the author. Confidential information obtained during the reviewing process is not subject to disclosure or use for personal interests.

If ethical complaints regarding a submitted manuscript or a published article arise, the editor-in-chief should take prompt actions by contacting the editorial board, the publisher (or the research and teaching staff). Such measures usually include notification of the author and processing of a complaint, as well as further communication with relevant institutions, if necessary. In case of confirmation of the validity of the complaint, correction, refutation or other relevant statement of the editorial board is published. Every ethical complaint is subject to consideration, even if it is received several years after publication.

In order to ensure objectivity, the editorial board undertakes to thoroughly investigate each case and consider arguments of all interested parties. The editorial board is supposed to make every effort to obtain the most accurate information from the authors of the disputed publication or from the copyright holders and carefully study the materials. The editorial board undertakes to make decisions impartially, objectively without being influenced by third parties.

The journal “Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue” makes a commitment to assist the academic community in implementing the policy on compliance with publishing ethics, especially in cases of suspected duplicate submission or plagiarism.

In their work the editorial board, reviewers and authors are guided by the ethical standards mentioned above.



Manuscripts received by the editorial board are evaluated regardless of any individual, cultural or ideological features of the authors.


Information related to the received manuscript is not disclosed to anyone except the authors, reviewers and the publisher.

Conflict of interest

The material contained in the received manuscript is the subject of the exclusive right of the author and is not used by anyone who has an access to the manuscript for private purposes.

Manuscript handling process

— Manuscripts received by the editorial board are evaluated by the editorial board for compliance with the scope of the journal and formal requirements. In case of inconsistency, an article is rejected, and a notification is sent to the author.

— If the manuscript meets the formal requirements, the work is checked for incorrect borrowings (plagiarism), in case of detection, as well as in case of detection that the material was published earlier in other publications, the article is withdrawn from consideration, and notifications are sent to the author.

— Upon successful completion of formal checks, the manuscripts are sent for double mutually anonymous review.

— The decision to accept manuscripts for publication is made by the editorial board and the editor-in-chief after the editorial preparation of the received materials and based on the recommendations of the reviewers.


Reviewers' tasks

— Reviewing is carried out to assess their theoretical level of a work and to assist the editorial board and the editor-in-chief in making a decision on publication.

— The review is carried out according to the form provided by the editorial board. The final recommendations for the editorial board and the authors are supposed to be clearly formulated and supported by arguments.

— Upon receipt of a manuscript for reviewing, the reviewer immediately evaluates it for compliance with his/her field of competence and, in the absence of such, declares his/her refusal to review.

— The review is carried out within one month after a reviewer receives a manuscript.


The reviewed manuscript is evaluated in terms of the quality of the text, the consistency of the argumentation.


Peer review is mutually anonymous for reviewers and authors. The reviewed manuscript is the subject of the exclusive right of the author and is not used by reviewers for any private purposes.


Good faith

The authors are responsible for the integrity of their research and the reflection of its results in the text submitted for publication.


The authors do not allow plagiarism (unfair borrowing). All cited quotations, digital and factual information are supported by references.


The authors use pictures, reproductions, graphics, diagrams, etc. in their articles, with the consent of their copyright holders.


By sending the text to the editorial office of the journal “Philosophical Letters. The Russian and European Dialogue” the author confirms that this text has not been sent to any other publishers. Link to the journal “Philosophical Letters. The Russian and European dialogue” is mandatory if the author uses the material published in it in his/her subsequent publications.


The authors of the submitted manuscript can be only those who have really contributed to the research.

Error Statement

Upon detection of any errors in the published work the author notifies the editor-in-chief and publishes an error notification in the journal if necessary.