Preparation of an article

The journal "Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue" considers articles written in Russian or English. All articles should be sent to the editorial office in electronic form at:

For successful registration, the submitted papers must meet the requirements of GOST R 7.0.7-2009 and contain the following parts:

  • Title (in Russian and English);
  • UDC article code;
  • Information about the author(s) (in Russian and English);
  • Photo of the author(s);
  • Abstract (in Russian and English);
  • Keywords (in Russian and English);
  • Text (in Russian or English);
  • List of references.

The title in Russian should not exceed 12-15 words. The title in English should be an exact equivalent of the Russian title. 

The author determines the article code according to the UDC on his/her own. The following resources can be used for that: or

Information about the author(s) (author's reference) must contain:

  • full name;
  • academic degree;
  • academic title;
  • current position;
  • official name of the place of work;
  • official postal address of the organization (university);
  • ORCID (if available);
  • personal email address.

Such information should follow each newly submitted material, regardless of whether the author is published for the first time or repeatedly.

The author's photo must be in 3x4 format, in color.

The abstract in Russian should contain at least 200 words. The abstract in English must be an exact translation of the abstract in Russian. The use of machine translation is prohibited.

The abstract should not repeat the text of the article, as well as its title. It should not contain numbers, tables, or in-text references.

The abstract should contain a brief description of the work.

The subject, theme, and purpose of the work are indicated if they are not clear from the title of the article.

It makes sense to describe the method or methodology of the work if they are new or interesting from the point of view of the work.

The results of the work should be described very accurately and informatively. Preferences are given to new results.

In the text of the abstract, there should be used expressions peculiar to the language of academic articles, without complex grammatical constructions. The language should be concise and clear, without unnecessary introductory words and general wording.

Keywords express the main semantic content of the article, serve as a guide for the reader, and are used to search for the article in electronic databases. They are placed after the abstract. The number of keywords is within 6-10 words. Keywords in English should be an accurate translation of keywords in the Russian language.

The abstract and keywords are typed in Times New Roman font with a normal font size of 14 pt, with one and a half line spacing. Font width alignment. Without placing automatic and manual transfers.

The volume of articles, including the title, abstracts, keywords (in both languages), and references is supposed to be up to 80,000 characters with spaces.

The volume of reviews, letters, announcements, necrologues is supposed to be up to 20,000 characters with spaces.

Materials may be accompanied by illustrations, if possible in color. Images in jpeg format must be sent numbered and signed. Their description is also provided on a separate page in doc (docx) format. All illustrations should be numbered and signed.

The main text of the scientific material is typed in the Times New Roman font with the usual font size of 14 pt, with a one-and-a-half line spacing. There should be font width alignment. Paragraph indent is 1.25 cm. There should be no automatic and manual transfers.

The following abbreviations are allowed in the abstract and main text: etc.

The century in the Russian text is indicated by Roman numerals, in English – by Arabic.

The author is obliged to indicate the sources of all quotations, figures, and other borrowed information given in the article. In-text references to information sources are made in accordance with the Harvard Standard and are given in the main text in parentheses in the following form: last name(s) of the author(s), year of publication: number of the cited page. Examples of references: (Кантор, 2017: 23), (Buber, 1963: 16-19), (Clément, 1979: 192; Nichols, 2017: 197). If the manuscript contains references to works by the same author published in the same year, then the letters a, b, c, d are added to the year of publication. When referring to several works by the same author, they are separated by a semicolon. Example: (McCormack, 2002: 16-79; 2003a; 2003b; 2005). If there are two or three authors, then their surnames should be separated by commas, it concerns all languages except English. If there are four or more authors, then et al. is added to the first name in the list.: (Dementyev et al., 2019). In English, their surnames are written in references as follows:

  • If there are two authors, then their surnames are connected with and. Example: (White and Brown, 2004);
  • If there are three authors, the first two names are separated by a comma, and the third name is connected with and. Example: (Green, Harris and Dunne, 1969);
  • If there are four or more authors, et al. is added to the first name in the list. Example: (Green, et al., 1995).

The second-hand citation should be marked in the following way: (cited in: Bassett, 1986: 142).

It is allowed to make a reference to the pages of a separate paragraph or section of the source if the author refers not to a specific text fragment, but to some idea or approach developed by the author of the work.

It is necessary to mention specific pages if the author is quoted. When referring to a book without quoting it, the pages are not specified. When referring to a collection of articles or other materials, the names of its editor(s) or compiler(s) in parentheses are indicated. Examples: (Петров, ред., 2015), (Козырев, сост., 2001), (Green, ed., 1975), (White and Brown, eds., 2008). 

If the article contains references to archival materials, then they should be given in footnotes. References to all publications not reviewed by the academic community can also be made. In this case, they are made in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008. Examples: 12 РГАЛИ. Ф. 963. Оп. 1. Ед. хр. 97; 7 Усова Е. Ляля // Наша улица. 2003. № 6 (43). С. 94–110; 2 Стретерн П. Гегель за 90 минут / пер. Н. Мишиевой. М.: Астрель; АСТ, 2006. 78 с.

If there are abbreviations in the main text, they should be deciphered in footnotes.

All footnotes should have end-to-end numbering and be numbered in order in Arabic numerals.

The main text of footnotes is typed in Times New Roman font with a normal font size of 10 pt, with a single line spacing. There should be font width alignment. There should be no automatic and manual transfers.