Review Process

The journal “Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue” carries out peer-reviewing procedure of all papers submitted to the editorial office and successfully passed the registration for their expert evaluation. The submitted paper is sent for peer-reviewing to one of the members of the editorial board or staff member of the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue (HSE) by the editor-in-chief or deputy editor-in-chief or scientific editor. External reviewers — scholars from other educational institutions, research centers and laboratories of the Russian Federation, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as international experts — are also involved in peer-reviewing process.

The journal practices a double-blind peer-reviewing (the reviewer and the author do not know each other's names) providing two or more reviewers for each manuscript.

Reviews are of a recommendatory nature. The final decision is made by the editorial board of the journal. They make an informed decision either to publish the material without revision, or with revision, or to refuse publication. The decision on publication is made within two months from the date of registration of the manuscript in the editorial office. Upon successful completion of the peer-reviewing procedure, the manuscript is assigned the status of the paper accepted for publication.

The basis for accepting material for publication can be:

  • positive reviews;
  • support of the majority of the editorial board members working in the same field as the author.

The reasons for manuscript rejection can be the following: two negative reviews, the author's refusal to respond to the reviews within a month, as well as the editor-in-chief’s or the editorial board’s decision. In case of manuscript rejection, the author is sent a reasoned refusal at his request. At the same time, the author has the right to modify the manuscript or replace it with some other material.

Upon request the editors provide available reviews to the authors of manuscripts and to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have papers on the same subject within the last 3 years. Reviews are kept in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years.

Authors bear full responsibility for article content and for the fact of its publication. The editorial board of the journal is not responsible to the authors and/or third parties and organizations for possible damage caused by the publication of the manuscript.