To the History of the “Idealistic Direction” in the Russian Liberation Movement: M.O. Gershenzon against P.B. Struve

  • Modest A. Kolerov REGNUM
Keywords: Russian social-liberalism, Tolstoism, Socialism in Russia, Deliverance movement


Russian social-liberalism was born at the beginning of the XXth century, first of all, in area of Russian radical socialists. Bibliographically well known, but now for the first time introduced into scientific context, the polemic of the literary historian Michael Gershenzon and the political actor and thinker Peter Struve represents the process of developing the values of social liberalism between the Leo Tolstoy’s teaching and the aims of political liberation.


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Author Biography

Modest A. Kolerov, REGNUM

PhD in History, Editor-in-chief

How to Cite
KolerovM. A. (2021). To the History of the “Idealistic Direction” in the Russian Liberation Movement: M.O. Gershenzon against P.B. Struve. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 4(2), 172-181.
Archival Materials. Unpublished Papers