European and special features in Russian liberalism of the early twentieth century

  • Федор Александрович Гайда MSU
Keywords: Russian liberal movement, the Cadets, the Octobrists, the February Revolution of 1917


The article discusses the main features of the political program and practice of Russian liberals of the early twentieth century. The author divides and compares representatives of radical and moderate liberalism. Radical liberals (Cadet Party) supported the implementation of the liberal European “project of the future” in Russia. Cadets can be called the ideological predecessors of post-war European “social liberalism.” At the same time, while fighting for their own ideals, the Cadets rejected political compromises. The Cadets did not consider themselves a bourgeois party. On the contrary, the constitutional democrats tried to maintain relations with the socialists, regarding them as “junior” allies in the struggle against the government. Radical liberals were principled opponents of state violence and supported the demise of the police and administrative apparatus in 1917. The founder of the more moderate, Octobrist party, D. N. Shipov could not be described as a liberal: Tolstoyism was the basis of his outlook. After changing their leader to A.I. Guchkov’s Octobrists maintained a liberal-conservative line and an alliance with the government of P.A. Stolypin. A rupture with the authorities led the Octobrists to disintegration and alliance with the Cadets. Thus, according to their program, the Russian radical liberals were much more to the left than the modern European liberals; Russian “moderate liberals” could be conventionally considered conservatives. The political practice of Russian liberals differed from their European counterparts in idealism, uncompromising, apragmatism — such qualities that are traditionally perceived as “specifically Russian”.


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Author Biography

Федор Александрович Гайда, MSU

Habilitated PhD, Assistant professor, History Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University

How to Cite
ГайдаФ. А. (2019). European and special features in Russian liberalism of the early twentieth century. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 1(2), 50-66. Retrieved from
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