Christian thought and conscience against the “new idolatry”: four letters from Semen Frank and Nikolay Berdyaev’s correspondence of 1933–1934. Unknown articles by Semen Frank in the journal “Th e Way”

  • Алексей Алексеевич Гапоненков Saratov State University
Keywords: S. L. Frank and N. A. Berdyaev, correspondence, religious philosophy, Christianity, Nazism as a “new idolatry”


The readers are referred to some pieces of S. L. Frank and N. A. Berdyaev’s correspondence of 1933–1934. In their letters which reveal expressions of friendly support and partnership there is a reference to two Frank’s articles published in the journal “The Way” without mentioning the philosopher’s full name: a review of O. Spengler’s new book “The years of decisions” (1933) and a reception of K. Barth and F. Heiler’s works and Christian service. The published commented correspondence makes itpossible to attribute the materials in a convincing manner, reveals theauthor’s name, his signature as an S-shaped initial. In recognition of theimportance of the listed texts for Frank’s biography and Russian-Europeanphilosophical and religious dialogue, reflection on the National Socialistperiod inGermany, they are being reproduced unabridged. Frank and Berdyaev agreed upon the fact that Christian thought and conscience alone are able to resist the “new idolatry”, pagan distortion of traditional religion, Nazism, secularization of church life, Movement of German Christians, timeserving of some German scientists, anti-Semitic persecution.


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Author Biography

Алексей Алексеевич Гапоненков, Saratov State University

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Saratov State University

How to Cite
ГапоненковА. А. (2019). Christian thought and conscience against the “new idolatry”: four letters from Semen Frank and Nikolay Berdyaev’s correspondence of 1933–1934. Unknown articles by Semen Frank in the journal “Th e Way”. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 1(2), 192-197. Retrieved from
Archival Materials. Unpublished Papers