A French Slavic Philologist’s Point of View: Russian Language as my Existential Core

  • Véronique Jobert La Sorbonne
Keywords: Russian language, Slavistic studies in the Sorbonne, Language and culture, Language and history


Every language represents the existential core of the nation who speaks it. For a French specialist in Russian philology, learning Russian gave the opportunity of understanding the history and culture of a country who lived in isolation during the Soviet period. Russian is a very rich language, with many lexical borrowings.


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Author Biography

Véronique Jobert, La Sorbonne

Professeur émérite de l’université de Paris-Sorbonne

How to Cite
JobertV. (2019). A French Slavic Philologist’s Point of View: Russian Language as my Existential Core. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 2(3), 74-83. https://doi.org/10.17323/2658-5413-2019-2-3-74-83
Россия и Европа: диалог