
Format of the Reference list 

Basic rules:

  • All entries in the list are arranged in alphabetical order.
  • The entry begins with the author's last name, followed by the initials, followed by the date of publication. The authors' surnames and initials written in Cyrillic are transliterated; in Latin-in the original. After the author's last name, put a comma, after the initials-a comma, then put the year of publication, and after it — a period. This is followed by the title of the publication.
  • The title of books, journals, chapters, sections, and articles written in Latin should be given in the original; in Cyrillic-in transliteration. HOWEVER, IF THE PUBLICATION HAS AN ENGLISH VERSION OF THE NAME, THEN INSTEAD OF THE TRANSLITERATED VERSION, GIVE IT. If there is a properly designed link in English, then it is duplicated. In this case, at the end (in parentheses), it is indicated in which language the material was published. Transliteration is carried out according to the BSI (British Standards Institution) standard. To do this, we recommend using the following sites:


Nichols, A., 2017. Mystical Theologian: The Work of Vladimir Lossky. Vendor: Gracewing.

Homyakov, A.S., 1988. O starom i novom: Stat’i i ocherki [About the Old and the New. Articles and Essays]. Moscow: Sovremennik.

Copleston, F., 2003. A History of Medieval Philosophy. Transl. by Yu. A. Alakin. Moscow: ZAO Tsentrpoligraf (in Russ.).

Gacheva, A.G., 2020. “Slavdom is just the outset of alliance” (F.M. Dostoevsky): The Idea of Slavic Unity in the Context of Christian Universalism. Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue, 3(4), 81–112 (in Russ.).

  • The title of a book or journal is always italicized. In this case, the title of a chapter or section in a book, as well as the title of an article published in a book or journal, is not highlighted in italics.
  • After the titles of chapters from books, as well as the titles of articles from collections, put a period. Then write ‘In:’ and then put the data about the book or collection itself, with the name in italics;
  • All non-English titles are translated into English. The translation is published in square brackets and follows immediately after the title;


Janzen, G., & Hawlik, M., 2005. Orientierung im Raum: Befunde zu Entscheidungspunkten [Orientation in space: Findings about decision points]. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 213(4), 179–186.

Volkogonova, O.D., 2015. G.P. Fedotov o natsional’nom kharaktere v istorii Rossii [G.P. Fedotov on the national character in the history of Russia]. Russian humanitarian journal, 4(4), 247‒257.

Gavrilyuk, P.L., 2020. Varieties of Neopatristics: Georges Florovsky, Vladimir Lossky, and Alexander Schmemann. In: Pattison, G., Poole, R. and Emerson C., eds. The Oxford Handbook of Russian Religious Thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 528–542.

Kozyrev, A., Golubkova, N., 1998. Prot. S. Bulgakov. Iz pamyati serdtsa. Praga [1923–1924] (Iz arkhiva Svyato-Sergievskogo bogoslovskogo instituta v Parizhe) [Prot. S. Bulgakov. From the memory of the heart. Prague [1923–1924] (From the archive of the St. Sergius Theological Institute in Paris)]. In: Issledovaniya po istorii russkoi mysli: Ezhegodnik za 1998 god [Studies in the history of Russian thought: Yearbook for 1998]. Ed. by M.A. Kolerov. Moscow: O.G.I. 105–256.

  • If the book has editors, compilers, or translators, then this information is published in English. Conference titles, explanatory words, and phrases are also translated into English. For international conferences that have a second English-language name, give this name;
  • At the end of the entry, the place of publication (city) is given, followed by a colon and the name of the publisher is written. For Cyrillic editions, this information is given in transliteration. In this case, the names of the cities are written IN FULL (Moscow, St Petersburg, Minsk, etc.);


Vasil’eva, M.A., 2010. O Vladimire Sergeeviche Varshavskom: biograficheskij ocherk [About Vladimir Sergeevich Varshavskij: biographical essay]. In: Varshavskij, V.S. Nezamechennoe pokolenie [Generation unnoticed]. Ed. with notes by O.A. Korostelev and M.A. Vasil’eva. Moscow: Dom russkogo zarubezh’ya imeni A. Solzhenicyna: Russkij put’ [Alexander Solzhenitsyn House of Russia Abroad: Russian way]. 405–424.

Kolerov, M.A., 1997. Bratstvo Svyatoi Sofii: dokumenty (1918–1927) [Brotherhood of Saint Sophia: documents (1918–1927)]. In: Issledovaniya po istorii russkoi mysli. Ezhegodnik za 1997 god [Research on the history of Russian thought]. Ed. by M.A. Kolerov. St Petersburg: Aleteiya. 99–133.

Examples of references.

Articles in journals:

Zamraeva, E.I., 2014. “Ukrainskaya problema” v rusle evrazijskoj koncepcii N.S. Trubeckogo [“Ukrainian problem” in line with the Eurasian concept of N.S. Trubetskoy]. Politika i bezopasnost’, 4(28), 31–36.

Malinov, A.V., 2008. Nacional’nyj vopros v russkoj emigrantskoj filosofskoj mysli [National question in Russian emigrant philosophical thought]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Politologiya. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, (2), 36–43.

Morozova, I.N., 2017. Slavyanstvo, slavyanskaya vzaimnost’: filosofiya, bogosloviye, ideaologiya, sotsial’no-kul’turnaya praktika [Slavism, Slavic reciprocity: philosophy, theology, ideaology, social and cultural practice]. Philosophical polylogue, (2), 44‒53.

If an article has a DOI number:

Lamond, G., 2014. Analogical Reasoning in the Common Law. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 34(3), 567–588. Available at: doi:10.1093/ojls/gqu014.

Articles published in collections:

Gavrilyuk, P., 2014. Vladimir Lossky’s reception of Georges Florovsky’s neopatristic theology. In: Mihoc, J. and Aldea, L., eds. A celebration of living theology: A festschrift in honour of Andrew Louth. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark. 191–202.


Savelieva, I.M. and Poletaev, A.V., 2008. Teoriya istoricheskogo znaniya [Theory of historical knowledge]. St Petersburg: Aletejya; Moscow: HSE.

Tishchenko, P.D., 2011. Na granyakh zhizni i smerti: filosofskiye issledovaniya osnovaniy bioetiki [On the verges of life and death: philosophical studies of the foundations of bioethics]. St Petersburg: Mir.

Electronic resources:

Bubenikova, M., 2012. Dostoevskij v dialoge s cheshskoj literaturoj [Dostoevsky in Dialogue with Czech Literature]. Available at: URL: (Accessed 30.07.2020).